Friday, April 27, 2018

the effects of US. economy

The headlines may talk about growth, but we are living in a dark economic era. For most families, income and wealth have stagnated in recent decades, barely keeping pace with inflation. Nearly all the bounty of the economy’s growth has flowed to the affluent.And if you somehow doubt the economic data, it’s worth looking at the many other alarming signs. “Deaths of despair” have surged. For Americans without a bachelor’s degree, one social indicator after another obesity, family structure, life expectancy — has deteriorated. Frustrated Americans don't feel bound by old rules. "People yawned at the smallness of American politics, at the stagnation of American politics, at the same faces, the same ideas, the same talking points." Or as Neera Tanden, who runs the Center for American Progress, a progress think tank, says, "Donald Trump has widened the aperture for policy discussions in the United States." You have 2 free articles remaining. They imagine American politics as a simple two-dimensional spectrum on which Democrats must move to the center. A clear majority of Americans wants the government to respond aggressively to our economic problems. The last 15 years with "Widening inequality, financial crisis, zero interest rates, rising gaps in life expectancy and opportunity," as Summers notes -should move that same person to the left.  

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